All information on this website is compiled by the Mount Barker Tourist Bureau using volunteer resources.
While every effort has been made by the Mount Barker Tourist Bureau to ensure that the information on this website is up to date and accurate, the Mount Barker Tourist Bureau does not give any guarantees, undertakings or warranties in relation to the accuracy completeness and up to date status of the above information
We are not always informed as to changes to the original information, temporary closures of accommodation facilities and/or food outlets or other changes. Where we are informed directly, and in a timely manner, we will undertake our best endeavours to reflect that changing or updated information in the website.
Therefore we advise that the Mount Barker Tourist Bureau will not be liable for any loss or damage suffered by any person arising out of the reliance of any information on this Website and that you confirm the presented information first with the original party before acting upon it.
Some of the pages on this site may provide links to sites created by other persons, companies or organisations. These links are provided as a service to our web visitors on the understanding that those other sites are not under the control of the Mount Barker Visitor Centre and there is no guarantee implied or given as to their content, quality, accuracy or timeliness.
The provision of a link to those sites implies no endorsement by the Mount Barker Visitor Centre of their content or any opinions expressed therein.
Last updated 03/12/2016
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